Analysis the Real Class Teaching Video: Teaching grade 4 English, in Guangzhou, China (ESL) Module 1 People
Teaching is the process of attending to people’s needs, experiences and feelings and making specific interventions to help students learn particular things. Every teacher has a method in teaching. There are no the worse or the best method in the world. The method will decide all activity in the classroom. The method that uses in teaching learning process is various, the methods use depend on the students need and want. In this video show that method is used by teachers are Direct Method and Total Physical Response. The direct method is a method that used to teach how to communicate in the target language, the primary objective of this method is associate meaning and the target language directly through the use of pictures. Mother tongue should not be used in the classroom.The total physical response is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action. Students act out commands given by the teacher or their fellow pupils.
Role of Teacher and Students
The teacher usually directs the interactions but he/she is not as dominant as in GTM. Sometimes acts like a partner of the students. Students are active participants. Even the teacher takes roles in activities. In this video, Teachers will show the picture about occupations, and say the vocabulary directly and the student will repeat what the teacher said. The teacher chooses one student to be the instructor for his friends. The student will show the picture in a glimpse to his friends and choose one of them to guess about the picture that shows, who can mention the vocabulary of the picture is correct, he will get the chance to be the instructor too. The teacher will give the score to each group.Basically, in the first, the teacher is the director of all student behaviors. Next, a student will act and ask the fellow student to guess it. Some students will be ready to speak.
The nature of student-teacher interaction
The teachers interact with the whole group of students and with individual students. Initially, the interaction is characterized by teacher speaking and the students responding nonverbally. Teacher shows the pictures about occupations and asks students to stand up and say what occupation that’s showed in the picture. The teacher does action appropriate with the pictures and asks students to guess. For instance; teacher makes action how a job is done. Then, students response quickly then teacher command the student to ask. Students understand and do what the teacher command. When the teacher shows the picture to students, they raise their hand's order to teacher one of them to mention vocabulary from the picture. They very spirit to mention the vocabulary about occupation although their pronunciations not good yet. The teacher doesn’t focus only on one student in the classroom, but he monitors all of the students. So, the atmosphere of the classroom is very alive.
Characteristic of teaching learning process

In the first class, the teacher asks the student to mention what kinds of occupation that they know, most of them mention it. Then, teacher to be a model in the classroom how to ask students do about teachers command Teachers issues command for students then perform an action with them. Students can do all command that teacher give. The teacher acts out occupations students guess, followed by students act out to take in turns. When a teacher shows the pictures they can mention directly the vocabulary of the picture in the English language, without having to use grammar translation method. Students describe pictures about cartoons and famous people. Students guess attributes she/he has. The students one by one present attributes of other students and guess who is the next become the target. Then, the teacher shows Powerpoint and find the people read and choose. Students match the occupation to the job description. The last activity is the teacher commands his students to play Teamwork game and teachers ask the student to mention what they want to be and why they want to be like that.
The teacher response to the student errors

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