School Visit: Media In Teaching English
Instructional Media is all aids that are used by the teachers and students in teaching learning process. Instructional media includes all the materials and substantial resources that an educator might use to implement instruction and facilitate students' achievement of instructional objectives. This may include traditional materials such as chalkboards, Printed material (handouts, books, worksheets) display boards, charts, slides, overheads, real objects, and video p tape or film, as well newer materials and methods such as computers, real objects or models, DVDs, CD-ROMs, interactive whiteboard, the Internet, and interactive video conferencing etc. It facilitates learning or increase understanding of the material and enhances comprehension of the learners.
A few days ago I visit one school in Great Aceh, MTsN Tungkop. There I meet with An English teacher her name is Mrs. Erna. The aim of my visit is I want to know what media the English teachers at MTsN Tungkop use in teaching English language lesson.
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On my interview with one of a teacher at that school Mrs. Erna. She teaches English at the second-grade student, she uses printed media. She uses textbook, in that school the textbook for English language course is Experiencing English For Junior High School Students year VII, with the book the teacher teaches the student some of the topic, for example, recount text, descriptive text, procedure text and the other topic and for assignment, teacher ask student to do in student’s worksheet book. The contents of textbook and worksheet book are based on 2013 curriculum. This book is great media for a student in understanding and mastering the material.
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Mrs. Erna mostly uses printed media in teaching English for instance, when she teaches the material about Notice, warning, and caution to make her student more understand the material she shows the pictures about Notice e. g: No smoking, you can see in picture 1. Then, students observe the picture and teacher give the questions about the picture, it could be orally or non-orally. Next, student divided into some of the group and the teacher gives them some pictures and asks them to match with the appropriate instructions. After that, the groups will present about what they have been discussed. At the end of the class, teacher and student make the conclusion about what they have been learned in that day and the last teacher gives students homework individually to make Notice, Caution, and Warning which appropriate with their environment.
Besides, material about Notice, Caution, and Warning, the teacher also use printed media to teach Traffic signs, look at picture 4 & 5. Traffic signs are a great subject in which to engage the student and we can say this material is part of our country teaching requirement. Mrs. Erna print kinds of Traffic Signs picture for helping her in teaching Traffic Signs. She asks students to match the sentence with Traffic Signs' pictures, for example, the sentence is you must not turn left, here a railway crossing. Then, the student matches the picture with the sentence enthusiastically.
This is really meaningful experience for me to visit MTsN Tungkop, this visit open my mind that teaching student it means helping student, with media we can make students easiest to master the materials, the teachers in MTsN Tungkop give me some advice and suggestion how to be a good teacher and how to make English language interesting in learning. As a candidate for the teacher, this knowledge is very important for me.
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