Instructional Media for Teaching English ( Printed media, Mockup, Media basis Technology
1. Printed Media
· Brochure
Mini-lesson plan
School: Senior high school
Grade: XI
Subject: English
Ø Basic Competence
This media based on basic competence 4.2, Arrange oral and written text in the form of product advertisement or brochure, short and simple, by paying attention to purpose, structure text and linguistic element correctly and according to context.
Ø Teaching learning activities
· Teacher shows the student kinds of advertisement text, brochure.
· Teacher asks the student what they know about the brochure.
· Students tell the teacher about vocabulary that they know.
· Teacher explains about the structure of the language in the brochure.
· Teacher tells the student about the aim of the brochure.
· Teacher divides student into some groups and gives them the different brochure examples.
· Students analyze the brochure and present it in front of the class.
· Teacher gives the conclusion about the advertisement, brochure and asks the student to bring one of the examples of brochure and advertisement and brochure.
2. Mockup
Mini-lesson plan
School: Elementary school
Grade: 5
Ø Basic Competence
Making oral and written text to state and question the behavior/action/function of the animal.
Ø Teaching learning activities
· Teacher ask students what their student how many animals that they know in English
· Teacher explains and describes student about kinds of animal.
· Student tries to mention vocabulary about the animal.
· Teacher asks the student to remember some of the animals.
· Teacher asks the student to make a simple mock cup about the animal that has already known.
3. Media basis technology
Mini-lesson plan
School: Senior high school
Grade: X
One of the technological media which is very crucial for helping the teacher in teaching learning is Prezi. The teacher has to master this application( Prezi) because it will easy to present the presentation, the material becomes more interesting and you can point the material for teaching base what you want.
Ø The material: Descriptive Text
Ø Teaching learning activities:
· Teacher teaches the student how to log in and create the presentation with Prezi in short.
· The Teacher shows Descriptive Text with Prezi.
· Teacher explains everything about Descriptive Text with Prezi.
· The Teacher the example how to describe people and place in English with Prezi media.
· The students divided into the pair and they have to describe their pair.
· Teacher gives the conclusion about the material in that day.
· In the next meeting, the teacher asks the student to describe the most person they love.
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